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Daniel Mateos-Moreno

Born in Malaga (Spain) and initially educated in Spain, receiving four B.A. degrees in music: in piano, music composition, music accompaniment, music theory, and a diploma in violin. Postgraduate studies pursued in the U.K. at the University of Cambridge (M.Phil.), in the U.S.A. at Carnegie-Mellon University (M.Mus.), and a Ph.D. in Education at the University of Malaga (Faculty of Education, University of Malaga).

Within a three-fold career as a composer, pedagogue and researcher, currently works as professor (associate) in music education at the University of Malaga (Spain). Past teaching/research positions include Reader in music education at the University of Karlstad (Ingesund College of Music, Sweden), Affiliated Academic at the University of Glasgow (School of Education, UK), Teaching Assistant in music composition at Carnegie-Mellon University (College of Fine Arts, USA) and music teacher in various conservatories and schools. Prof. Mateos-Moreno has also worked as expert for the European Commission (Brussels) for the assessment of projects submitted to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union, and holds membership of Robinson College at the University of Cambridge (UK).

His research includes studies within the fields of music education, community music, psychology of music, popular music, and music therapy; by means of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method methodologies. Outputs on varied topics have received dissemination through book chapters and articles published in journals such as Psychology of Music, Research Studies in Music Education, International Journal of Music Education, Music Education Research, British Journal of Music Education, Arts in Psychotherapy, Journal of Popular Music Education, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Electronic Journal of Music in Education (LEEME), Education Sciences, Musica Hodie, Musica y Educacion, Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Docencia, Tercio Creciente and Eufonia, among others. He has authored chapters for the books Music and Social Inclusion (Routledge), Arts Therapies Research and Practice (Routledge), La educación y la Formación Musical en el Siglo XXI (Silex) and Las Ciencias Sociales y la Cultura Andaluza (Grupo Editorial Universitario). Research projects are led as Principal Investigator of the research team named Musithema (ref. hum067), a group gathering lecturers from different universities that has attracted funds for researching in the Arts & Humanities nationally and internationally. 

Prof. Daniel Mateos-Moreno has served as editor-in-chief (main handling editor) of the journal Filomusica, and in the editorial boards of the International Journal of Community Music, Revista Internacional de Educación Musical, International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, International Journal of Psychological Studies, and Revista Aprender. Regularly serves as reviewer for journals such as Psychology of Music, International Journal of Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, Plos One, International Journal of Psychological Studies, and as external examiner for Ph.D. students at several universities.

As a composer, laureated as “one of Spain’s finest young composer” by Northamerican music journal Soundboard (Richard Long), as the author of “very involving” music (Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine), and “as an author who knows how to say whatever he wants while touching the audience” by Spanish newspaper El Mundo (Tomás Marco). Music compositions have been performed in different international venues such as Radiofabrik (Salzburg, Austria), National Spanish Radio (RNE2), Bethanienklooster (Amsterdam), Carnegie Music Hall & Kresge Recital Hall of Pittsburgh (USA), Bloomington Center for the Arts (USA), Cambridge Kettle's Yard (U.K.), Cardiff University Concert Hall (U.K.), Millenium-Hall in Tokyo (Japan), Denki-Bunka-Kaikan in Nagoya (Japan), National Music Auditorium and Monumental Hall in Madrid (Spain), XXV International Music Festival in Ripoll (Catalonia), International Guitar Festival in Cordoba (Spain), Cervantes Theatre and Canovas Theatre in Malaga (Spain), I Ronda Music Festival (Spain), XX International Music Festival of Ubeda (Spain), etc. by orchestras such as the National Spanish Radio & Television Philharmonic Orchestra (ORTVE), Camerata de Madrid, Carnegie-Mellon Philharmonic, Malaga Philharmonic, and many other varied groups and players, under conductors such as Aldo Ceccato, Adrian Leaper, Michael Thomas, Pascual Osa, Walter Morales, etc. Compositions have been released by NAXOS and Albert Moraleda Records, and are available from publishers Guitar Foundation of America (Contemporary Music Series), Grupo Editorial Universitario and Junta de Andalucia.

Honors and prizes include the following. Winner of the Maria Zambrano Research Prize in Arts & Humanities sponsored by Banco Santander. Listed in Who's Who in the World (31st Edition). Grants received from Andrew Carnegie Society (USA), Association pour la Création et la Diffusion Artistique (ACDA, France), Cambridge European Trusts (University of Cambridge, UK), and Sociedad General de Autores de España (SGAE, Spain). Awarded first prize of the Harry G. Archer Memorial Prize for orchestral works in the 2005 edition (Pittsburgh, USA). Finalist in the Morton Gould Young Composers Award (New York, USA). Invited to participate with a piece as a present given to composer Henry Dutilleux in his homage celebrated in the UK, organized by BBC. Commissioned by the Spanish Ministry of Culture of the obligatory piece for the 51st International “Jaen” Piano competition. Awards received in Spain by Fundación Autor and The Council of Malaga.

Prof. Mateos-Moreno speaks fluently Spanish (mother tongue), Swedish and English; and can understand Norwegian, Portuguese and Italian.

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